The SC Peach Festival began in July of 1977. The festival has always been held in July because of it being the peak season for peaches. Although, peaches are not the main farming crop in Gaffney, the SC Peach Festival still takes place as an annual event due to popularity and demand. The SC Peach Festival Board of Governors work hard every year to put on the festival and bring in tourist from the beaches to the peaches. Events such as the infamous Mug Bog, Road Race, Pageant, BBQ Cook-off and Downtown events attract visitors every year. Some events have come and gone but none the less the festival still goes on. You can find any information you need on this website and if interested applications can be found under the applications tab. Be sure to check out our Facebook page and like and share.
Events and Activities
Thursday July 19th
KICK OFF-5pm- Downtown Gaffney
Dessert Contest
Food Vendors
Live Music
Friday July 20th
Mud Bog – 7pm
Carnival – 7pm
Saturday July 21st
Road Race/Fun Run 7am
Carnival 10am
Pageant 10am
Food Vendors 10am
Arts and Crafts 10am
Car Show 10:00-3:00pm (DJ Que)
Live Music (Concert)
Sunday July 22nd
Parade 3pm
Thursday July 26
New Talent Night
(Ed Elliott) 7pm
Friday July 27
Wrestling 7pm-9pm
Saturday July 28
Cherokee Speedway Race 7pm
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